United Records

For "United Records", see United Records (1910s)

United Records
Founded 1951
Founder Leonard Allen
Status Inactive since 1957
Genre Blues
Country of origin United States
Location Chicago, Illinois

United Records was in business from July 1951 to December 1957. It was operated by Chicago businessman Leonard Allen, initially in collaboration with Lew Simpkins. United issued records by such artists as Tab Smith, Jimmy Forrest, Gene Ammons, Memphis Slim, Roosevelt Sykes, The Four Blazes, The Moroccos, Robert Anderson and The Staple Singers.

In May 1952, United was joined by a sister label, States.

United released 116 singles in a series that ran from 101 to 217, skipping 135 and 200. The company also released 2 10-inch LPs, but never got into 12-inch LPs.

Tab Smith was by far United's biggest contributor. He laid down 85 tracks, releasing 24 singles (a fifth of the company's entire output) and United's first LP.

After the company closed, Savoy Records bought the masters by Gene Ammons and the Staple Singers. The rest of United's output was eventually acquired by Bob Koester of Delmark Records, which has made most of it available through LP and CD reissue programs.

For a much earlier, unrelated company of the same name, see United Records (1910s).


See also